Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saturday 10 September

Very mild this morning and damp.

 Heron still on the Top Lodge.
 Lonely Lucy is still living up to her name, she is on the Top Lodge keeping clear of Edwina (her mum) and this years family.
 She soon comes for her morning treat.
 This years youngster have been having a few lessons from mum - they haven't got into the air but have been running on the water.
 She was waiting for them -

 Finally arrived.
 Found this toad on the path near Burgh Wood.
 Red Campion - Silene dioica
 Wood Sorrel - Oxalis acetosella
 Water Dock - Rumex hydrolapathum 
Hartstongue - Phyllitis scolopendrium - showing the spores on the underside.

Take Care.