It was raining as we set off but it soon dried up, we spotted the Terns flying over the field behind the Top Lodge, they vanished heading over Duxbury Wood.
Alder Catkins appearing - the cone shaped ones are the female
Artichoke Gall

Two very large patches of balsam on the pond field - there was also one behind me, I find it hard to believe how quickly this has spread in this area.

Cherry Plum not quite ready, not often we see these fruit but this year has been a good year for most plants.

We found quite a lot of these Cinnabar caterpillars on one patch of ragwort.
They were all feeding quite openly not worried that they might be eaten as the birds must know they are unpalatable
Not seen much of this about this year - yet it is one of the commonest hawkweeds - Hieracium vagum

Knopper gall - the gall wasp lays its eggs and the acorns are distorted as they grow.
Glad the terns are still around - must try get there again before they leave. I also hope that the older chick is fine - wherever it is.