Did not go so far today as we have to take Meg to Vets, it was raining and we were out about 40 minutes - just enough to take the edge of Meg.
The Hazel on the rucks has plenty of catkins on - these are early.

Meg had two lots of blood tests done, one for the liver enzyme level, the other to be sent away to be tested for the bromide levels.
George our Vet rang us to say one of the liver enzyme levels was in the normal range (yippee) and the other has come down - this shows the liver is recovering well. Her white blood cells are still up and we are to continue with the antibiotics for another fortnight, he is going to ring us when he gets the bromide levels back, then he will decide on the next check up for the liver. We are just glad to see her looking and feeling well - her appetite is back to normal, always hungry.
When a member of the family is ill, whether it be a person or a beloved pet, we are beside ourselves with worry and concern...so I am glad Meg is improving. I think animals are always in a state of grace...they suffer in silence. They are lawys faithful and trusting and 'there' for us. We learn a lot from them :)