Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday 21 January

Temperature just above freezing but it felt colder - the wind had a bite to it.
Five of us this morning with eight dogs, it was a chatty walk, it's amazing what crops up for conversation, today it was the beast of Buckshaw and wallabies. A strange animal has been spotted around Buckshaw Village - if you google buckshaw beast you can see the article in the Daily Mail. I will let you decide what you think it is, I could not begin to guess.
As for the wallabies they are not a figment of mine and Sue's imagination - some one actually kept them in Horwich, I wonder if they are still there?

We could do with seeing some of the local wildlife, they are keeping a low profile at the moment.

Blackbird on the sluice table.

Swans coming in for a landing on the still frozen lodge.

Dipper waiting for a meal.

Honeysuckle bud burst, some plant/tree recorders collect this information I photograph it if I see it, can be interesting to look back and see if it's earlier or later than previous years.

Meg is at the vet's again for a repeat blood test on the Bromide, hope we get a reading this time, at least the liver is back to normal and she is back to her old self.

Take Care.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that bud is spectacular. What colors! What is a sluice table?


Let me know you looked in :)