Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Monday 28 February

Just above freezing this morning, we were on our own and just wandered about.

Common Bistort leaves  - Persicaria bistorta - this patch has been here for a few years.

Gorse - Ulex europaeus on the Lower Burgh Meadow.

Gorse - Ulex europaeus with a few open flowers.

The pond the friends of lower burgh have tidied up, they are clearing a lot of the undergrowth and reseeding wild flowers. No frogs in it as yet.

Across the Valley a Silver Birch with lots of fungi on it, I am surprised it is still upright.

Snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis - lots of patches this year, they always look great in large groups.

Take Care.


  1. Obviously a lady's thumb, but we don't have that one here. We have a number of Persicaria, but most don't have such attractive blossoms.

  2. It has various nick names over here my favourites being pink poker and pudding grass - it is said to be the main ingredient in the making of Dock Pudding. I have never heard it called Lady's Thumb but I have to agree it is a good name for it :)


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