Saturday, January 10, 2015

Wednesday 7 January

Cool damp morning - had a good walk

 Lords & Ladies - Arum maculatum peeping through these were on the edge of Burgh Wood

There are groups of these growing all over the Valley
I am now looking forward to Spring

Take Care


  1. I cannot imagine how things can be sprouting in January. But seeing your blog has made books with English "winters" make more sense. You don't really HAVE winter.

  2. Joan we don't get summers anymore either, nothing seems to be the same here. Our winters are nothing like I remember them, the ground so hard we could not have burials, some years we had a backlogs of burials due to the depth of frost. Now our summers are a few days, don't blink or it's past, just what is happening ?


Let me know you looked in :)