Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 23 June

Up onto the Burgh this morning, we usually have a walk up there when we are on our own.
I have been searching for the Bee Orchid on Lower Burgh for a good while and today we found it (twice), the first was on it's own we checked all round it and did not find any more but we will check again, the second area we found 3 plants within 6 feet of each other, one of them had been nibbled by something possibly a slug.
Bee Orchid - Ophrys apifera

Burnet Moth

Common Knapweed - Centaurea nigra

Creeping Jenny - Lysimachia nummularia this is along side of the railway sidings.

Dames Violet - Hesperis Matronalis

Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea

 Greater Celandine - Chelidonium majus

Hieracium vagum

Large Bindweed - Calystegia silvatica

Marsh Bedstraw - Galium palustre

Nipplewort - Lapsana communis

Peached-Leaved Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia
Peached-Leaved Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia
Peached-Leaved Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia
Peached-Leaved Bellflower - Campanula persicifolia - all garden escapees.
Rough Hawkbit - Leontodon hispidus
Rough Hawkbit - Leontodon hispidus

Self Heal - Prunella vulgaris

Spear Thistle - Circium vulgare

Spider's Web

Edwina with 4 Cygnets - we were all wondering what had happened to the missing one - what could have taken it?

When out of the reeds Edward appeared with the other cygnet, it had up set a few people thinking one had been taken, they all seem fit & healthy so let's hope they all make it.

Take Care.

1 comment:

  1. The Bee Orchid what a good find , I havn't one this year.


Let me know you looked in :)