It was a little damp but we did not get wet, George arrived and we saw Dawnie on her way home, Debbie and the boys were on the hill waiting for us.
We had to have a look at the new sculpture, it is still in one piece which I am surprised at as there is someone or perhaps a group going round cutting young trees down in the woods, pointless vandalism.
This is not Charlie Robin - we have not seen Charlie for a few month's - this one is getting braver with us.

Off they go up to the Barrow Field

Prickly Sow Thistle still in flower
The Barrow use to be full of Red Clover, hopefully it will be back to normal next season, this was still flowering.

Daisy by the Big Lodge.
Gulls taking advantage of the tern raft.

Niger again must be a seed from last years plant as it is within a couple yards.

It was a little battered yet almost in flower, I will check it as soon as I can.
Wild Turnip

Ramblers at the bridge.
Harvey playing catchup - makes a change from me.

Can you just hear Jake & Harvey saying "We are not looking at you while you point that thing at us"

Meg looking at Debbie hoping for a treat.

Gorse still in flower on the rucks.

White Dead Nettle another one that will continue if the weather is mild.
They have planted the new island rockery up with a few polyanthus and pansies.
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