Rain was in the air all the way - We got wet.
Arnold leading the way and waiting for me.

This is the Pond it is a luscious green and beginning to fill up ready for the toads and frogs.
Tufted Vetch no flowers but seed pods are ripening.
Prickly Sow Thistle

View from the Barrow field

Great Tit

Coal Tit

Chaffinch - all came within a few minutes on what we call Charlie's Field.

A new feeding table at the sluice channel near the big lodge - Great Tit and Nuthatch.
Jake was running everywhere today trying to catch crows - unfortunately they are flying overhead.

Meg as you can see is feeling much better and has started to show interest in flushing and chasing.

Waiting for Harvey & Jake.
She needs help digging mouse holes.
Already been mousing, look at her muddy muzzle.
It is just good to see her enjoying her walks again.
Take Care.
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