Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday 8 May

Showers again.

Beech - Fagus sylvatica

Coot Nest

One of the Coots that built it.

Dock Beetle Eggs

Lucy - how has she got herself into this mess at the Deer carving Channel.

Oak Apple Gall

Yellow Water Lily - Nuphar lutea

Take Care.

Saturday 7 May

Showers again - the land is so dry we need it.

 Common Cornsalad - Valerianella locusta

 Lesser Trefoil  - Trifolium dubium

 Meadow Foxtail - Alopecurus pratensis

 Pignut - Conopodium majus

 Pignut - Conopodium majus

Yellow Rattle Leaves

Take Care.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friday 6 May

Rain Showers this morning.

Coot Nest

Enteridium Lycoperdon

Goats Beard - Tragopogon pratensis

Caterpillar on Sycamore

Hard Fern - Blechnum spicant

Large Bittercress - Cardamine amara

Meadow Foxtail - Alopecurus pratensis

Meadow Foxtail - Alopecurus pratensis

Red Campion - Silene dioica

Rhododendron - Rhododendron ponticum


Wood Avens - Geum urbanum

Yellow Pimpernel - Lysimachia nemorum

Take Care.

Thursday 5 May

Dry Morning

 Cream Spot Ladybird - Fringe Cups - Tellima grandiflora

 Fringe Cups - Tellima grandiflora

 Hartstongue - Phyllitis scolopendrium

 Japanese Larch - Larix kaempferi

 Lord & Ladies  - Arum maculatum

 Lord & Ladies  - Arum maculatum

Still got 11 young - that is wonderful.

Weigelia in bud - Weigela florida

Take Care.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wednesday 4 May

Dry and a beautiful morning.

 Columbine Buds - Aquilegia vulgaris 
 Columbine Buds - Aquilegia vulgaris the strimmer men are about so this plant is doomed again. 

Another ringed Coot - left leg

right leg - this bird was ringed at Southport Marine Lake last winter.

 Holly - Ilex aquifolium

 Holly - Ilex aquifolium

 Japanese Larch - Larix kaempferi

 Lily of the Valley - Convallaria majalis

 Lily of the Valley - Convallaria majalis

Lucy & Blue SLU swans

 Sycamore - Acer vilosa

 Thyme Leaved Speedwell - Veronica serpyllifolia

 Wood Melick - Melica uniflora

Wych Elm - Ulmus glabra

Take Care.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Tuesday 3 May

Sunny pleasant morning and plenty of life in all forms.

Apple - Malus sp.

Bog Stitchwort - Stellaria alsine

Bog Stitchwort - Stellaria alsine

Bog Stitchwort - Stellaria alsine

caterpillars, inchworms - IDs most welcome - first two on Apple the last three on Hornbeam.

Dog's Mercury  Seeds- Mercurialis perennis

Greater Celandine - Chelidonium majus

Greater Celandine - Chelidonium majus

Large Bittercress - Cardamine amara

Mallard Mum and 11 babies - we hope she manages to keep them all.

Oxeye Daisy Bud - Leucanthemum vulgare

Russian Comfrey - Symphytum x uplandicum

Solomon's seal - Polygonatum multiflorum

Take Care.