Saturday, June 04, 2011

Thursday 2 June

Another warm day.

 Bittersweet - Solanum dulcamara
Common Cornsalad - Valerianella locusta

Take Care

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Wednesday 1 June

Dry morning and a walk onto the Lower Burgh Meadow.

 Black Medick - Medicago lupulina
 Coot Eggs by the Big Lodge.
 7 Spot Ladybird
 Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris
 Tufted Vetch - Vicia cracca
Yellow Iris

Take Care.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tuesday 31 May

Dry Morning.

 Caddis Fly - just look at the length of the antennae.

 Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii

 Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii

The Himalayan on the left versus our native Yellow Balsam at the moment all round it but next year the seeds from this one plant could out number this patch.

 Raspberry - Rubus idaeus

 Raspberry - Rubus idaeus

 Remote Sedge - Carex remota

Wood Speedwell Seed - Veronica montana

Take Care

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday 29 May

Damp Morning - We ambled about on our own.

 Apple - Malus pumila
 Bee on Rhododendron possibly Bombus lucorum.
 Common Figwort - Scrophularia nodosa
 Dactylorhiza x grandis - Hybrid Orchids we counted over 50.
 Dry Bones Cottage Area not a lot left.
 Hemlock Water Dropwort - Oenanthe crocata
 Hemlock Water Dropwort - Oenanthe crocata
 Pineappleweed - Matricaria discoidea
 Raspberry Buds - Rubus idaeus
 Russian Comfrey - Symphytum x uplandicum
 Wood Avens Seed Head - Geum urbanum
 Wood Sage Leaves - Teucrium scorodonia
Zigzag Clover - Trifolium medium

Take Care.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday 27 May

Dry Morning.

I found this in my back garden among the Red Clover a 14 Spot Ladybird - Propylea 14-punctata.
It had to come for a photo and then back to keeping the greenfly down.
14 Spot Ladybird - Propylea 14-punctata
 Broad Leaved Willowherb - Epilobium montanum
 Common Mallow - Malva Sylvestris growing in a nick on the pavement near home.
 Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii
 Crane Fly this one is a male.
 Cuckooflower -  Cardamine pratensis
 Dandelion - Taraxacum
 Fox-and-cubs - Pilosella aurantiaca another that has crept onto the pavement.
 Oriental Poppy - Papaver pseudoorientale
 Prickley Sow Thistle - Sonchus asper
 Prickley Sow Thistle - Sonchus asper
 Red Valerian - Centranthus ruber
Yellow Rattle - Rhianthus minor

Take Care.